The Worlds Most Complete Starship Troopers Reference Collection
Uni High

Uni High School Jacket

Uni High School Vest

Uni High School Shirt

History & Moral Philosophy Textbook

Bug Biology Textbook

*** Textbook

*** Textbook

Federal Identification Card

Enlistment Papers

Uni Tigers Jumpball Jersey

Uni Tigers Pompoms

Uni Tigers Cheerleaders


Jumpball On-Set Pics

Telsa Giants Jumpball Jersey

Telsa Giants Pompoms

Telsa Giants Pompoms

*** Jumpball Jersey

*** Jumpball Jersey

*** Jumpball Jersey

*** Jumpball Jersey

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Copyright © 1998~2010 David Ramsay, All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Everything shown here are actual film-used props from the 1997 film STARSHIP TROOPERS.
The contents of TrooperPX is part of a single private collection. None of these items are for sale.

All rights reserved.
No infringement is intended or desired.
No images may be captured, copied, reproduced or used without permission.
All images and information contained herein are Copyright their respective owners.
The contents of these pages, is Copyrighted by TrooperPX, as an artistic expression.
This is fan web-site and is intended solely to promote everything Starship Troopers.